How does Performance Prime help to transform culture?
The culture that exists as a living part of your organization determines how individuals at all levels of the company interact, within your walls as well as beyond. Culture sets the rhythm of the activities undertaken by your employees on a day-to-day basis, both individually and collectively.
The Performance Thinking program relies on nearly 50 years of scientific research and practical experience working with high-performers from around the world.
We teach the mental framework, strategies and skills that underlie our ability to perform and provide tools to help individuals achieve a high-performance mindset, even when faced with extreme pressure.
Our proprietary ACT Model process applies performance techniques used by thousands of world-class athletes, business leaders, special forces and all other professionals looking to answer the challenges of today’s high-pressure performance environments.

Why is it important to have a real high-performance culture?
Industries on every continent are undergoing rapid transformation as the evolution of technology heralds a relentless push into a new global future. This makes high-performing team cultures more valuable than ever.
While many organizations often describe themselves as being “high-performance”, are their employees really exhibiting the attributes that truly make them high-performers? Do they understand what those attributes are and how to develop them?
The Performance Equation
The difference between success and failure is often as little as 1%. This margin is characterized by small gains that often lead to big results. This is why your 'A-game' matters and why the high-performance techniques we teach have such a meaningful impact.
Using applied scientific methodology informed by decades of real-world experience in the high-performance domain, our programs help cultivate cultures that thrive under pressure while giving people the tools to eliminate self-induced stress and anxiety.
Imagine how your company would perform if members of your team were able to reach their highest levels of individual performance when it matters most? This capacity to truly 'be on' could easily spell the difference between exceptional success and average results.

Performance Thinking
Our Performance Thinking training programs offer three key components:
A comprehensive, one-on-one evaluation of mental skills, followed by a user-driven mentoring process that is structured over the period of a year.
Educational corporate group and team experiences that accommodate large numbers of team members.
Individual mentoring and coaching programs associated with the ACT Model process, following a group seminar experience.
The Science of Winning
The ACT Model™
The ACT Model is a finely-tuned process designed to address the challenges faced in today’s high-pressure world. Through it, we produce a structured process of self-critique and self-correction that is shaped to optimize performance.
The unique training programs that we offer help our clients develop the skills and framework to control focus and maintain confidence.
The science that underpins the model includes:
Psychometric testing
The objective measurement of mental skills
Performance modelling
By first understanding and then modelling an individual’s high-performance characteristics, we create a personalized toolkit and strategy allowing anyone to achieve a high-performance mindset, even when faced with extreme pressure.

The Impact of
High Performance
Our Performance Thinking training programs can deliver wide-ranging benefits, including:
Increased motivation
Higher individual and team performance
Increase in targets being met
Higher levels of engagement
More effective communication
Improved adaptability and mental resilience
A reduction in general and performance anxiety
- Greater acceptance of new cultures & management styles
Will Power
IndyCar Series Champion;
Indianapolis 500 Winner
Performance Prime
An internationally-recognized educator, author and performance coach Dr. Jacques Dallaire founded Performance Prime in 2005. With nearly five decades of proven experience in the high-performance world, he is a man in demand all over the globe.
After completing his doctoral studies in exercise science at the University of Alberta, Dr. Dallaire taught at McGill University and served as Manager of Science and Medicine Programs at Sport Canada.
A founding member of the International Council of Motorsport Sciences, he was inducted into the Canadian Motorsports Hall of Fame in recognition of his state-of-the-art training strategies and impact on the sport.
As company President, he now spends time delivering custom performance improvement programs to business leaders, athletes, and teams seeking an edge.

Dr. Jacques Dallaire
Performance Prime